high school eurythmy

High school students are old enough to carry a whole performance of eurythmy.
They can then tour their program to other schools and communities, even abroad.
Usually young children are in the audiences and therefore a story or fairy tale
is included as part of the program.

Vancouver Waldorf High School Eurythmy Troupe

Reg Down ran an elective high school eurythmy stage troupe for a number of years In the 1980's. They performed for in-school events and festivals and toured to other Waldorf schools in the Pacific Northwest. They visited Victoria, Duncan, Kelowna, Nelson, Seattle, Bellingham, Gig Harbor, Orcas Island and Portland. At many of these schools, the parents and children, even some of the teachers, had never seen eurythmy. For them, meeting these creative, intelligent teens was a real treat. The photos are from the 'old days' before digital but a sense of the fun and liveliness of the troupe comes through. Photos are of:

  • The West Wind - Shelly
  • Rumanian Folk Dances - Bela Bartok
  • The Bremen Town Musicians - Bros Grimm
  • Evoe - Rudolf Steiner

After Reg Down left the school, the troupe was revived by Renate Lundberg and other eurythmists. At the time, this kind of endeavour was rare, now it is not uncommon to have a high school eurythmy stage group in one form or another.

Vancouver Waldorf High School Eurythmy Troupe on Tour

Shots of the Vancouver Waldorf High School Eurythmy Troupe's tours to Victoria, Duncan, Kaslo, Kelowna, Nelson, Gig Harbor, Orcas Island, Seattle and Portland. They performed in the famous gold rush Langham Theatre in Kaslo ... talk about a small space! Also at the Royal British Museum in Victoria, which was more than ample. If you are wondering about all the people sleeping, a tour is both exhilarating and exhausting. Work hard, sleep when you can!